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If I had it my way, we would be meeting in a local coffee shop for some much-needed girl time. Or if it was a good day and the house was tidy, I would invite you into my favorite spot in my home which is the long barn wood style dining room table, that sits at the foot of a large window overlooking our front yard and offer you a warm cup of coffee or your drink of choice. But since many of you are from all over the country, I will have to settle for this space (a space in which was created with you in mind and to feel like Home). 


About three years ago God put on my heart, that the journey in which I was on had less to do with me and more to do with serving and loving others. All that I had gone through from a small child and into my adulthood would be redeemed as God would use it for His glory. That’s about the time I established my favorite saying, birthed from my darkest moments, that Beauty does come from the Ashes. God can make anything beautiful. 



On October 2, 2018 God woke me up in the early morning about 4am to be exact (just so you know, I am not a morning person). My heart was so full that I had to get up and write it all down. He led me to Luke 15:11 in which Jesus speaks about the parable of the prodigal son. Yet, he put on my heart to read it from the viewpoint of a daughter. As I sat there and read, my heart became so overwhelmed, tears filled my eyes as the words on the page came to life. At that moment a ministry in which God prepared my heart for three years prior came to fruition and From Prodigal to Princess was established. 


We all come from a prodigal place, not one of us better than the other. Each of us have a moment where we think we are strong, tough and quick to take on the world. Yet somewhere in our adventure the world quickly tries to tell us who we are and often it screams, “You are not enough.” From that place we feel isolated, defeated, and unloved. Some of us will isolate ourselves, believing the words spoken and forever trying to strive in order to prove them wrong. Some of us will never live above the title placed over us, never seeking our true identity in Him. However, Gods purpose for our lives is vastly different than the worlds. He waits for us to return with the pieces of our failed attempts (as the prodigal son returns) then in His mercy and grace starts to put us back together with an identity that we can claim and stand firm on. 


So, whose am I? Oh, sweet friend, I am confident that I am a child of the King. My God is not moved by the ways of this world. My God goes before me interceding on my behalf that I may walk in the Boldness of Christ, without fear. Yes, I am this person as a child abandoned by her earthly father. Yes, I am this person, even though I struggle to love the skin I am in. Yes, I am this person during a time when my marriage was broken, and I was living out my darkest moments. Friends, I made it through these moments not because of who I was, but because of who He is and who I was in Him. That alone allowed me to have faith to take the next step and the next step in this journey we call life and do so with a joy that’s unexplainable. 


So now that you know me and my heart. Here are a few other things that might make us closer. I am a military wife of almost 18 years to a good man (Paul) who has served and given so selflessly to his country for the past 20 years and counting. We live with our girls (Cheyanne, Savannah and Aisley) in Chesapeake, Virginia. Most weekends are on sporting fields as spectators and cheerleaders to our girls. 


My first ministry is within the compounds of our home. I am humbled that God has entrusted Paul and I with these precious girls and raising them within a home that loves Jesus is so important to me (though there are some days I am not sure I am going to make it). Other ministries I have served on or are currently serving on; youth ministry, women’s ministry, and Reclaimed ministry (a ministry for brides walking through brokenness). I am not sure what this next season has for me, this ministry is newly founded and honestly, I am not sure what it all looks like. However, what I do know is when the Lord calls you into something, He is faithful to see you through it. So, friend, I am excited for this time. I am excited to get to know the community God has chosen for this ministry. I am excited to watch woman claim their identity in Christ and break free from the bondage of labels. I am humbled by the calling and may God get all the glory.


Your Friend in Christ,


Liz Andersen


Riverview Centre 

Love Remained Ministries

103 Watson Road

Chesapeake, VA 23320

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