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Image by Bruno Martins
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​Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for your hope that you have.

1 Peter 3:15


Love Remained Ministries was created in 2018, from the living room of Paul and Liz Andersen home. This couple would meet the hearts of men and women who had experienced brokenness, trauma, and pain and remind them of where God’s Love Remained.

When we live in a broken world and experience brokenness, trauma, and or pain, we can associate our brokenness to the character of God. Yet, God promises not to leave us or forsake us (Deut. 31:8).

liz and Paul

As Paul and Liz started meeting the hearts of men and women, it was brought to light that so many people are trapped in the shame, regret, and hurt of their past. This husband-and-wife team recognized so many individuals living imprisoned by what happened to them and stuck.

“People are living passionless and unsure of their purpose, due to circumstances from their past or out of their control.”

coffee house
people together

Establishing Love Remained Ministries has unleashed a deeper passion for the broken, lost, and hurting. So many are living with a story that has yet to be transformed, by the lack of witness where Love Remained.

Healing starts to happen when we invite people in and start doing life with them. When we stand in the gap to mentor and disciple, not only speaking of God’s love but being the physical presence of God’s love, lives are transformed.



Love Remained Ministries serves men and women who have experienced brokenness, trauma, and pain. Our ministry fosters a process of healing through mentorship and discipleship initiatives. Our goal is that every guest feels invited; giving them a seat at our table and creating an atmosphere where they are encouraged and equipped resulting in transformation. 


A  Vision in the Making

Image by Federico Respini


​of community that shares the same belief that our pasts do not need to predict our future. 

that recognizes when you can meet the physical needs of an individual you are given the opportunity to speak into their spiritual needs.

creating a transformative Life Skills experience to those who are often overlooked, last in society, or silent in their suffering.

Restoration leads to transformation.

A transformed life can transform a community! 


Love Remained Ministries is a nonprofit organization helping meet physical needs of those who have experienced brokenness, trauma, and or pain.  We do this through weekly mentorship/discipleship meetups, our “Around the Table” resource community groups, and providing emergency funding, meeting the needs for counseling, temporary housing, and personal needs.

people praying

A vision of a 89 acre restorative farm, which provides a restorative life skills experience for our guests. A 12-15 month resident program that disciples both the heart and mind of high-risk adults by creating an atmosphere where each guest will receive a restorative plan that will include education, health and wellness, financial foundations, stewardship, entrepreneurship, identity training, and work mentorship. After 6 months every guest will be given the opportunity to receive temporary employment at Hope House Coffee.

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Hope House Coffee, not just a coffee experience but a community mission

 Our goal is to create the highest level of customer service by teaching our team that the heart of service is to serve!

Our team is cultivated by a mentor/mentee environment. Hope House Coffee is an extension of Hope House Farms life skills restoration experience. Our heart is to meet both customers and team members. We will offer the most rich and delicious espresso-based drinks as well as serve the heart of our team by creating self-confidence, strong work ethic, and leadership skills. It's sure to be a community movement.



If you need to reachout to anyone on our team, please submit an email.

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Founder and President

Liz Andersen

Co-Founder & Men’s Ministry Director

Paul Andersen

Vice President and Treasurer

Anthony Hart

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Emma McIntyre

Resource Officer

Tony Cook

Social Media Creative Team:

Cheyanne Andersen & Kelly Ingvalson

A Heart to Meet The Broken, Overlooked, & Passed Over

Paul and Liz never imagined they would be leading a community movement focusing on the healing and mentoring of High-Risk Adults and those who have experienced trauma, brokenness, and pain. It all started through the downloading of a vision the Lord laid on Liz’s heart to meet the needs of those who were hurting by showing them they mattered.

When you can meet a physical need and build a relationship with those hurting, you get access to meet their spiritual need and share the Hope of Jesus."

- Liz Andersen

A Heart Transformed

Paul and Liz both have experienced brokenness in their own lives. Liz, was a young girl who dealt with the abandonment of her father, as well as addictive struggles of her step-father causing her to question her identity, safety and self-worth. 


Paul and Liz both experienced marriage troubles in 2011 where they discovered the root cause of infidelity, porn issues, abandonment and shame was the unhealing of deeper wounds in which brokenness, trauma, and pain were uncovered dating back to childhood. Today, they speak into the lives of many marriages, walking beside other couples weekly to bring restoration and healing. 


Paul and Liz today have been married 21 years; they have undergone 23 years of military service as Paul retired from active duty in 2022. Their greatest blessing is 3 beautiful strong-willed girls. These two call the Virginia Coast, home. Liz is a graduate of University of Phoenix, where she holds her degree in Human Services and Management.  

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