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Liz Andersen

It All Has Purpose

Welcome, It's Launch Day!

Today launches our first blog post here at Love Remained Ministries. This is a day we have greatly anticipated. However, it was much more our heart and vision of this ministry to invite you around our actual table for community and connection but due to the square footage of the vision and call, we are designing an intimate space here to share encouragement, updates, and real-life stories of where God's Love Remained. We desire to meet each of you in due time but for now, to God be the glory. - Liz Andersen (Executive Director and Founder)


I was in my early 20s when opening a coffee shop at retirement piqued my interest. I thought long enough on it to give it a name; called 31 Beans. At the time, Proverbs 31 was one of my favorite chapters in scripture, so it only seemed fitting to throw in a 31. Life got busy, and the thought was filed somewhere between my subconscious and a dream.

When I was in my early 30s, during a very divided time in our country, I made a post on social media of a virtual gift card giving away cups of coffee to someone that needed to know the world was still good. Coffee was purchased all over the United States, and the post went viral, and our local news station ran an entire story on this simple coffee gesture. However, the motion convinced me that this world still had good people, and if I wanted to see the good, I had to be the good. Days and weeks went by, and again, this memory fell somewhere between my subconscious and life.

As I sat with the Lord this week and reread the life of Joseph, I could not help but see all the places in Joseph’s life where the Lord was with him. Several passages between chapters 37-45 in Genesis say... “and the Lord was with Joseph.” What they don’t say is that Joseph's life was easy or perfect.

I am not sure what you know about the life of Joseph, but from the time Joseph was 17 until he was 30, it was pure chaos. Joseph had two dreams in which his authority in these dreams would stand higher than his brothers. That would have been fine if Joseph was the oldest. But Joseph was the youngest, and his vision went against Israelite culture and tradition. Joseph’s brothers, who were about to kill him, decided on the lighter and sold him as a slave to travelers headed for Egypt. While in Egypt, he becomes a respected attendant in Potiphar’s house but is reduced to prison because of a lie told against him due to the burning lust of Potiphar’s wife. In prison, Joseph received the respect of the prison guard and Pharaoh's attendants by interpreting a dream. However, just as quickly as he was helpful, Joseph was even quicker to be forgotten. It would be 13 years of highs and lows in Joseph’s life before he stepped into his purpose or calling.

I just keep meditating on… “and the Lord was with Joseph this week. How often do we stop, no matter our circumstances, chaos, or the season of life, and focus on; “The Lord was with Liz.” (insert your name where I placed mine) Every part of Joseph’s life was used; the good, the hard, the neglect, the not fair, and the dreams. I love that our circumstances do not limit God, yet He is the God that uses our circumstances. Nothing is ever wasted.

The stories I shared earlier looked so different at the time. It looked like a dream of retirement. The viral post; it was a small gesture during a very confusing time in my life. However, when I look back at the good times and the pure chaotic ones in my life, I rest on the fact nothing was wasted. It was purposed!

I am turning 41 years old this year, and man, those not wasted moments are the very moments that have shaped me into the woman for the calling ahead. Last year Love Remained Ministries became recognized as a 501(c)(3). At the beginning of 2023, Hope House Coffee and The Hope Project were just visions. Today, we are standing just short of eight weeks until our first location of Hope House is open. My vision in my 20’s was much different from God’s in my 40’s. The time between the years was filled with celebration, deep sorrow, joy, disappointments, laughter, and tears. Yet even from the ashes comes beauty.

Welcome To Love Remained Ministries!

We are glad you are here.

I am humbled you took the time to read this blog. Sometimes, we search for purpose or meaning in our mess or the mundane. However, every detail in our lives is used for significance. I am so encouraged that we serve a God within the details. I am so blessed that His Word is a place we can discover His character and personality. God, does not leave us in a pit unless He is preparing us for the palace. Jeremiah 29:11-12 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and plans not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. If you have questions for the ministry or the author, please email us at

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1 comentário

04 de ago. de 2023

You are a bright light in this world Liz! Our Father is going to use you and your ministry to further His Kingdom. I'm so blessed our paths crossed a couple years back you have encouraged and challenged me along the way. Looking forward to seeing what God has ahead for you in all your endeavors. God makes no mistakes! Love you!

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